About Me

I conduct research related to data reusability and FAIR data management, distributed analytics on sensitive data, and data-driven transformation in medicine.

My ambition is to achieve semantically interpretable machine actionable data and services to foster data-driven science and industry, without compromising fairness, equity, privacy, and confidentiality of individuals as well as social groups and communities. My areas of expertise are medical informatics, semantic web technologies, clinical decision support, patient empowerment, research data management, and ethical and social challenges of data.

Research Interests

  • Biomedical Informatics

    Data Driven Medicine, Electronic Health Records, Research and Registry Data Repositories, Health Care Standards, Knowledge Graphs for Biomedicine.
  • Semantic Web Technologies and FAIR Data Management

    Reproducible Data ScienceFAIR Data Workflows, FAIR Data Sharing, Open Data, Linked Data, Ontology Engineering, Metadata Management.
  • Data Analytics

    Distributed Data Analytics,  Big Data Analytics in BiomedicineMachine Learning in Biomedical Data, Knowledge Representation.
  • Ethical and Social Aspects of Data

    Ethics in Big Data Analytics, Machine Processable Ethical Review Processes, Patient Empowerment.



Doctor of Philosophy (in Medical Informatics)

Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute, Department of Health Informatics, 2010.


Master of Science (in Sociology)

Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology, 2010.


Master of Science (in Information Systems)

Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute, Department of Information Systems, 2003.

contact me

Full Name
Oya Deniz BEYAN
Visiting Address
Zülpicher Straße 56, Cologne, Germany
Postal Adress
Kerpener Straße 62, 50937 Cologne, Germany
+49(0)221 478-82911


English fluent
German intermediate
Turkish native